When you're a gay male into necrophilia.
Dude, Jeff just got arrested for cold fudging all night at rosewood cemetery.
When you’re giving road head after eating a gotta have it sized cold stone and you throw up all over your man’s dick and he has to drive home with throw up on his cock and balls.
Last night, after I ate cake batter ice cream, I cold-a-sac my man’s dick and then I passed out while he had to drive home with throw up on his cock and balls.
Very cold weather, as in cold enough that you just want to shrivel up and stay inside.
-30 degrees wind-chill?! That's cold as nutsack!
Cold Topic is a a place you go if you are cool. The store offers the finest outfits one can dream of and no matter what you pick, you will be different. Unlike Hot Topic, Cold Topic can turn any "Conformist" into a "Boss" or a "Cold Motha Fucka", confirming you to be liked by everyone, for the right price. If the price is too much, you can work at Cold Topic and get everything for a discount without being some pearced dweeb.
Dude: I saw this person with an Invader Zim shirt and they looked like a total dweeb!
Thug: Yhea man, they shop at Hot Topic, a place for fake rebels.
Dude: Dam, where do I shop then brah?
Thug: You need to shop at Cold Topic.
Thug: If you can pay the price, you can get the best of the best swagger yo.
Money made by doing any illegal activities.
dat nigga deigo got sum cold money
When you can do shit about something and there is nothing to do, ''the world is cold''.
Friend 1:''There is no pussy for me!?''
Friend 2: ''Man, The world is cold''
When your partner doesnt show up for your presentation in school
''The world is cold, you gotta do it yourself''