okay! how start? he is so handsome, when I met him .... he was being difficult, but I was always there because he was the guy who drove me crazy. I think he's the love of my life, he's my safe place. when I feel bad I go to him and he makes the moment happy.
I want to describe him a little bit, he is the most handsome boy i've ever met, he is very polite, sometimes he is serious and when he looks very sexy.
I can't put aside that he is the most sentimental person I've ever met. When he share his love with me I can't stop falling in love.
Finally, I must say that despite our fights, I love him so much and he will always have a place in my heart, whatever happens.
Diego Torres Portal, te amooooo
de tu dropet pig
The best Chemistry teacher in the World (i love you)
You: I love Diego Mazás
When you steal your friends lap top and look up porn (as a joke)
Jake: Dude Lucas looked up porn on Jaden's Mac!
Ishaan: Ah, he's pulling a Diego
Ruining a happy relationship , just to fail to keep the relationship with the girl you stole
Damn man, you about to pull a diego?, yeah man I’m pulling a diego
When you eat pop rocks and give someone a blowjob at the same time
Dude, I just got a San Diego Jackhammer