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Is big gay and should go kiss a thot

Fortnite is big bay

by Wolfshah April 23, 2019


A game that was created in 2018 by a company who doesn’t care about the game community. It has turned to absolute trash after the second season.

Person one: So you got done playing Fortnite?
Person two: No, I don’t play trash.

by Air0w June 10, 2019


shit and dead game for 7 year olds. that gif below looks like fortnite.

1: Hey wanna play Fortnite?
2: No it’s a shit and dead game.

by Kabbers October 20, 2020


A video game made for male virgins and twelve year olds, with females being a rare sighting there. It is highly popular, and probably a fad, just like the dab and fidget spinners. It also has had one of the biggest cultural impacts since Minecraft.

"Good god, I can't go 30 seconds without hearing about Fortnite!"
"Yeah, everyone think it's the greatest thing since sliced bread."

by QueenOfTheFireflies May 12, 2019


A game like any other game, people just shit on it to make themselves feel better because, #1 the most likely played the fucking shit. Then there's #2 people who never played the game but, give it shit anyway.

The game got boring, shit updates, sweats every corner of your lobby an overall unenjoyable time.
I mean, BO4's blackout was worse and barely received shit like, chill.

Timmy won't stop cranking the Eifel tower in Fortnite.

by IsItNui? May 20, 2021


the worst game that 9-year olds won't shut up about and complain about 'hackers' or just rage and destroy their or their parent's computer/laptop when they lose when THEY bought the game themselves

Jim: DAMNIT YOU FORTNITE HACKER *chainsaws laptop in half* FUCK YOU

by IsaacTheMan_YT March 23, 2021


The epitome of virgins, stupidity, and the highest cause of breakups for 2 years.
It may also just be parents or grown ups trying to spell the word for 2 weeks/14 days.

"I heard the news talking about FortNite, said some weird shit was happening."

by IWillOnlySayThingsThatAreTrue February 20, 2019