Source Code

machine gun titties

When a girl with large breasts, preferably with erect nipples, grabs each breast and shakes and points them in the direction of her target, while making machine gun noises, to simulate automatic weapons.

My guy was not into sex last night. Until I busted out the machine gun titties and he was more then agreeable.

by plow girl May 25, 2014

11๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Rube Goldberg Machine

Basically, a 'machine' that uses many ordinary items, and positions them in a way so that when activated, sometimes by 'knocking down the first domino' so to speak, it leads to a series of events that are all activated by the previous events.
They are most always elaborate, with many things going on at one time.
They are hard to build, and sometimes take over 4 months and a millions hours to build, but the results are spectacular.

Child 1: Hey, let's play Mouse Trap!
Child 2: I heard that's something called a Rube Goldberg Machine!

Teen 1: Have you seen Ok Go's new video, 'This Too Shall Pass'? It's totally a Rube Goldberg Machine!

by loveisjujujubaby March 14, 2010

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Fluid Washing machine

A "Fluid WashingMachine" is when you shit in someone's mouth, the person then throws it up and eats it again, then you add more body fluids to make it more sexual. ...gave... A fluid washingmachine

I gave that girl a fluid washing machine last night

by coolkix April 18, 2016

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std vending machine

someone that has so many STD's that they are able to hand them out as freely as a vending machine dispenses tasty snacks

diana has slept with so many guys that now shes just a STD vending machine... i wouldn't touch her unless i wanted a case of the spotted dick

by b pham September 3, 2006

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machine gun rapper

A rapper who raps very fast, while still keeping good flow, most machine gun rappers come from the midwest.

Bone Thugs~N~Harmony, Tech N9ne, and Twista, are all good examples of machine gun rappers.

by Dan Fow June 29, 2006

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Rage against the machine

I'm guessing that the "corporate whore" remark got voted off of here already. Fucking excellent. RATM is the greatest group I have ever heard, bar none. If I could choose only one band to listen to the rest of my life, RATM would be it. As for using a major record label, I find in more ironic than bad that they use a corporation to produce and sell their anti-corporate message. Otherwise, they would never have spread the word so well as they have. Just to bad they split up. It blows worse than anything could.

"RATM has th most talented guitar player in the world"

by Johnny B. February 11, 2004

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Machine Gun Kelly

If you don't know who the fuck he is then Lace the Fuck Up EST Biiiitch.

I went to Cleveland last night and Machine Gun Kelly kicked me in the balls with his fresh new laced up chuck taylors and it reaaallllly hurt.

by Jameson Hardy January 2, 2012

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