Someone that has been considered a slave for years and is trapped by doing everything for their children
I am a parent but it feels like I have been a slave for years
The people you will never make proud in life.
Child: *Exists*
Parents: Sigh..."You're a Disappointment"
a person who tells you video games are bad and cause violence.
parent: video games cause violence
The devil in disguise who won’t let you eat candy for breakfast.
PARENT: Good morning Johnny,
JOHNNY: could I have some candy?
the devils, or the angels based on your personality. They are the people who created you by doing *the dirty*. They built a roof on top of your head. They feed you unless you're a baby. OR they ( fed ) you. They made you *exist*. You grew up with them UNLESS your Dad went to get the milk, OR both of them died or one of them did. They pay rent, build a roof on top of your head, They work hard, They cook, they clean, they work in their jobs unless they don't have jobs , they probably work hard to raise you every day. Some kids treat their Parents like crap, spoiled brats HAHAHA If YOU are a spoiled brat, go hug your Mom or Dad, she took care you. She worked hard for you. She bought you all that stuff you have. if ANY of you are spoiled brats, HUG YOUR MOM OR DAD. THEY WORKED HARD FOR YOU, WHAT IF THEY ARE DEPRESSED? HOW WOULD YOU FEEL? HUH?
Me: I love my parents!
Someone: I don't have them.
Friend: I hate mine!
They know that this is happening. I'm going to have the conversation whether they me to or not. This isn't optional for them anymore. I don't care. This is beyond them "feeling bad."
Hym "I provide context for everything regarding my parents and none of that if untrue. This isn't an alright thing for them to abide. They are perfectly aware of what they need to do."
They've been doing it for years... But they won't acknowledge that they're doing it... Amd they know I have a problem with it... And there are real-world ramifications to them doing it... Doesn't matter. I don't need agency or actionable information. I need to do what I'm told and "try harder" in a vague and abstract sense and I don't need what I want from them.
Hym "Yeah, being a parent doesn't make you better than anyone. Having a kid is (at this point) an entirely optional thing someone let you do and in no way bolsters your moral standing. Nor should it. You are not special or good. Your wife isn't special or good. Parents are shit."