The capacity to recognise that politics is more nuanced and complicated than most people make it out to be as well as the ability to come to, express, and debate one's own beliefs and opinions with critical thinking while keeping composure when others disagree.
"Dude Kyle blocked me for saying that socialism isn't just when the government does something you don't like"
"Bro Karen called me racist for laughing at a Pepe meme."
"Those to really have no political intelligence. Anyway lets go back to watching Jreg and posting on r/PoliticalCompassMemes!"
The capacity to recognise that politics is more nuanced and complicated than most people make it out to be as well as the ability to come to, express, and debate one's own beliefs and opinions with critical thinking while keeping composure when others disagree.
"Dude Kyle blocked me for saying that socialism isn't just when the government does something you don't like."
"Bro Karen called me racist for laughing at a Pepe meme."
"Those two really have no Political Intelligence, anyway lets go back to watching Jreg and posting on r/PoliticalCompassMemes!"
Capitalism, fascism, nazism, reverse racial quotas, death penalty, hydroxychloroquine, liberation of rifles, olavism, liberation of grenades, MGTOW/redpill, conservatism, flat earthism, androcentrism, heterosexism, machism, evangelicalism, catholicism, integralism, militarism, neoliberalism, anti-vaccine, patriarchy, freemasonry, christianity, protestantism, supremacy of the rich, supremacy of the bourgeoisie, business dictatorship, chloroquine, privatizations, liberalism, islamism, defense of police or military criminals, celibacy, obligation to marry and obligation to procreate (have children naturally).
I hate right-wing (politics).
An unaffiliated individual, neither Conservative nor Liberal, who acknowledges the hypocrisy of both or all parties, and gets chewed out by pointing their own flaws they refuse to acknowledge.
Liberal and Conservative thoughts: Pfft. Political Observer? They're just a Liberal/Conservative staying in the closet.
The majority of modern day politics, where politicians resort to name calling and seeing who can piss off the other through childish tactics and blatant hypocrisy rather than meaningfully challenging their opponents on their ideas.
"Sleepy Joe is such a loser, he did bad in school."
"The other side wants to raise your taxes! Now excuse us while we exempt Jeff Bezos for the third time in a row."
"Man, I hate limp dick politics".
Alienated from the current political atmosphere or from one's previous political affiliations, and struggling to identify with any political party or ideology. Another word for "politically homeless" that does not appropriate a word corresponding to a marginalized group of people. Not to be confused with centrism.
I used to support the Republican Party but after Trump, I became politically isolated.
1. A government employee whose job is not viewed to be particularly important by most of the people who don’t work for the government that run into them, but their role plays an important function in keeping the government running efficiently and effectively. Usually, their employer or the individual/s who run the department or agency, because of their position in the government, work in the public spotlight, while political shadows tend to work more in the background, or in other words in the shadows, where they are seldom noticed by the general public. Often times these people either work in jobs where they don't deal with people that often, or they work in jobs where they deal with people frequently, but their role is frequently viewed as being less important than the role held by their employer.
2. The political impact an individual or group has on the world around them
1. Dave is a political shadow. He is a policy analysist who works for the U.S. Representative Aderholt. Most of the people who encounter him don't think his role is anywhere near as important as the role his employer has in the U.S. Government; yet without Dave, the policies would not be written that well and may not be as effective in achieving what the law was intended to do. Hence, he plays a very important role in ensuring the government operates in an effective manner.
2: Alexandra has a large political shadow because of the large number of Black Lives Matter protests and women's marches she has attended over the past four to five years; along with the numerous times she has lobbied political officials on various issues related to gender equality, gun control, racial justice, education, and the Covid-19. She has a very large political impact on the world around her.