The source of all known calamity, and prophesized to be the cause of the end of the world. In the end, he steals everyone's weed, he rolls it into one big blunt, and smokes it all in one puff. The only known survivor of this event is Mike27356894. Evil Pumpkin (weed) is also known as the Anti-Mike, and or Anti-Christ.
Jameyboah: Evil Pumpkin (weed)
Evil Pumpkin (weed): Evil Pumpkin (weed)
Mike27356894: I'm gonna Mike. Evil Pumpkin (weed)
One who engages in sexual intercourse with a woman who's skin is tanned to an orange hew, resembling a pumpkin. Especially if she's kinda chub-chub.
Gross Dude! Your pokin' a pumpkin! Your a pumpkin-poker!
A variation of the Filthy Sanchez, but using pumpkin pie filling instead of feces. After climaxing, the (usually) man crosses his hands and points his fingers a la David S. Pumpkins and yells "ANY QUESTIONS?"
We had some leftover pumpkin pie filling at Thanskgiving, so we decided to do a Filthy Pumpkins for a change of pace.
A person that is really bad, stupid or beta
That knigger is a John pumpkin