Those hot dog sausages, you know the ones, the ones that make you think "is that even edible?" Yeah, that's Satan's Sausage.
I found Satan's Sausage in Tescos today.
a particular situation when you sweat so badly that the sweat from from your body actually makes your stockings stink terribly nastily and unbearably bad that the image of satan shows up in you head after you close your eyes due to the smell of the stockings.
alex : hey jessie get down and take them stockings off so i can see them hawwt leggys ..!!!!!!!g
jessica : (takes the stockings off and throws them on alex's face ).
alex : SHITBALLS them satan's stockings are killing mee!!!!!!!!! (( punches jessica and knock's her out)).
A German industrial metal song by Tool that if translated to English is just a recipe for cookies.
Did you know the Die Eire von Satan is just a German recipe for cookies.
Hym "Pfft! Satan Incarnate? What a ridiculous thing to claim to be..."
Iam "Wait, didn't you..."
Hym "Me? No! I'm not him."