"A NEW TWIST ON THAT OLD FAVORITE; THE CLEVELAND STEAMER". During coitus, when u finger your own ass hole(and get that finger dirty fr) and then fishhook her
"I was fuckin her from behind and she said "fish hook me" and I gave er a steaming clever"-brah #1
"SHE DID!"-brah #1
"Doesnt surprise me actually, I had heard she was into that"-brah #2
Man Stacy steamed my broccoli so hard last night it was like she was cooling some hot tatters off.
A slow and deliberate face to breast oscillating motion.
Mark Twain is slowly steam boating his way through the golden girls.
One person lies down and the other sits on their chest. The person on top does a shit and then uses their bum to press it into the chest of the person lying down, moving back and forth like a steam roller.
Big Tam gave Senga a Glesga Steam Roller the other night - she pure loved it.
When you aggressively suck the shit out of someone's asshole, preferably through a boba straw
Bro I got steaming Ramin'd last night. Felt amazing.
A silent shart that forms a ball wether sitting or standing which then the steam from the ball starts to be felt on the buttocks and the smell fills the room and everyone else runs the fuck out of there.
Guy: Dude, Why did the gas alarm go off in the school?
Friend: Oh yeah, The new guy did a steam ball and released CARBON FUCKING MONOXIDE IN THE SCHOOL FROM HIS ASS. That's why we had to evacuate.
Guy: That's so Zander we don't have to do that stupid math test anymore
Friend: Ikr XD
A wonderful survival multiplayer ran by sappysteam! The community revolves around brainrot and “barbecue bacon burgers” as a primary source of entertainment as the servers appeal wanes due in part to the over use of plugins and mentally retarded 12 year old humor.
I checked out steam city smp and it was great!
1👍 2👎