When crockpot connor leaves a hit n run in the upstairs bathroom
Crock left another cw steamer, kid needs to learn how to flush.
A Seattle Steamer is when you live in a space with multiple people and only one toliet. If one person is already sitting on toliet and a second person has to move their bowel urgently, that person can sit on the lap of the current occupant of the toliet and commence to poop.
Hurry up and finish pooping otherwise you ar gonna get a Seattle Steamer
Similar to the Cleveland Steamer, except you have to smear cream cheese all over her chest first.
She asked me for a Seattle Steamer, but I'm lactose intolerant.
A shot of Jack Daniels dropped into a Budweiser.... A redneck Boilermaker
He gave me an Appalachian steamer last night, and I loved it!
Live stream of someone shitting in Irving Texas
Twoinch Punnescheer gave the world an Irving Steamer.
Delaney steamer The act of standing on all fours with a Cheeto in your ass and your partner is heat it out
Me and your mom pulled a Delaney steamer last night
Same as a cleavland steamer but adding a penis in the mouth in honor of Sheboygan's largest festival dedicated to the sausage called the Brat.
Jimmy was so drunk that he gave her the Sheboygan Steamer and than fell asleep.