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stone greaser

1. A "greaser," that fits under all the stereotypes held against greasers; a hardcore greaser.

2. Greaser that tries to hard to be a greaser.

3. A person that shows he is a greaser through every aspect of his life.

Damn! lil' Willie is one stone greaser!

by Legs (Saintt) October 30, 2006

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stone killa'

1) A person who don't give no fuck.

2) A person who kills stoners.

"Shit dude, look at Johnny over there, he's a stone killa'."
"Yeah dude he dont give no fuck!"

by Bob & Shin October 20, 2006

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uber stoned

to be REALLY high. to not even know where you are. but only high on the herb!

Bleeblaw:What nigha?
Blaxon:I'm uber on a scooter!
Bleeblaw:Dood so am i!
Blaxon:We're UBER STONED!

by babymoscottynigguh April 25, 2008

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Billie Stone

The most amazing person in the world, Talented, beautiful, an amazing daughter, and fantastic friend. Everyone loves a Billie Stone...

who's that??

thats Billie Stone!!

Oh she's awesome!!!!!!

by Amanda Stone December 30, 2011

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fashionably stoned

when you rifle through your closet looking for something to wear out, and not having anything to wear. you keep changing and changing and still have nothing, but now your room is a mess.

lex had a date but ended up not going because she became fashionably stoned.

by leximari December 17, 2010

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CNN stoned

When you're watching CNN or any other news network and think to yourself,"This isn't real, I'm probably just high". But then you realize you haven't smoked today.

When I saw Comey testify, I thought I was CNN stoned.

by ThundrJaye June 16, 2017

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sand stoning

this variation of the double dutch rudder incorporates the use of local beach sands, when gripped in the hands of the participants, and rubbed vigorously along the erected shaft of each participant, results in the painfully erotic sand stone rash of orgasmic stimulation.

Dude 1: Hey Blake, what are you up to tonight.

Dude 2: Well, I was just thinkin we do the ol' double dutch rudder.

Dude1: With a twist?

Dude 2: How do you mean (with interest)?

Dude 1: Sand Stoning, Bitch.

by bear_in_a_beard_hat January 11, 2012

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