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happy flapping

the act of putting ones head, _entirely_ within a lady's box

your flaps make me happy, but I'd be happier stills is a could go happy flapping in your happy flaps.

by Sean of the dictionary November 19, 2010

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mud flap

sneeze guard for a rednecks boyfriend

if it wasn't for that mud flap he would have nudded on his back.

by B1G L0U February 3, 2008

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flapping cheeks


1. The act of talking out your ass - most likely to occur when intoxicated

2. Giving verbal agreement to do something, but not following through

3. Slang for: a lie

4. exaggerated or unrealistically magnified

At the bar, my friend was "flapping cheeks" about waking up early and getting on the mountain at 9:00 to go snowboarding. It's still noon and I haven't heard from her.

Over drinks and dinner last night, my boyfriend "flapping cheeks" when he said he would mow the lawn the next afternoon. The next day, he forgot that he had "work" to catch up on and didn't have time.

by scoll255 June 9, 2009

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Ninja Flaps

The breast of a black woman, usually long and flat like pancakes or open wallets.

Bro did you see that bitches "ninja flaps", they were gross.

by phat_donkey September 6, 2008

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Mud Flaps

The folds of skin hanging down from a female's arm when the arm is held out to the side.

When she waves, her mud flaps just keep on swingin' in the breeze.

by RainmanK February 24, 2009

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Cunter Flaps

When a girls cunt is so large and flappy that her pussy lips touch her knees

Jimmy: Man, she's got mad cunter flaps.

Dan: She got them so large they're all up in her knees bro.

by randomgirl182 May 2, 2012

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Mud Flap

An empty scrotum or ball sack.

Pat was born without balls but still has a sack dangling; when he's getting pounded from behind, it acts as a mud flap to keep shit from getting all over the place.

by M F Fuckenstuff March 31, 2016

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