shes too jumpy and will never make the softball team🙄🙄🙄 and she has to be ij the back line at cheer lol
blonde cheer captain who has a very fun crazy life: halles not gonna make the team..😬😬😓
fake blonde: uhhh..🤨🤨🤨
When you walk up to Halle, she'll immediately call you ugly. Just because she says it doesn't mean she really believes it. If you need someone, go to Halle. She'll give cringe advice that still somehow helps and no matter how many times you talk about the same old subject she'll still listen. If you're a good friend to her she'll love you but don't get on her bad side though, it won't end well.
She's got mixed signals like a Halle
Queen of the pigeons, Halle rules over all rats of the sky
“Oh look at all those pigeons”. “Halle must be nearby
Halle, the most beautiful kind hearted amazing girl in the world.
The most amazing girl in the world.She can bring a smile upon everyones faces.Most
boys are inlove with her.Shes fine as a dime.And as beautiful as a swan.Her soft smile has the men dreaming.
Guy 1:Omg halle was just here
Guy 2:is that why your smiling and obsessed
Smells like TUNA and has no friends, she is a horrible dancer and Aurora Mcbeth is better
halle smells like a box of tuna, which smells bad
Halle smells like TUNA and is horrible at dancing, her friend Aurora is better at dancing
Halle smells like a box of tuna