Source Code

low pro po

Undercover police officers. (low profile police)

"those low pro po's swear we cant spot them in crown vics with no plates and a searchlight."

by eson December 17, 2003

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Classic Pro Evo

From humble beginnings as a covert prestige term to describe a type of goal on aforementioned game, this phrase has taken on a life of it's own and now refers to anything painfully obvious, widespread or mainstream.

1. It's Classic Pro Evo to go out drinking every weekend.
2. Arctic Monkeys are now the Classic Pro Evo choice for those with little interest in music. This is not to say it's the band's fault, just a fact of life.

by Taxed & Bailed September 30, 2006

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pro evo rage

The feeling of your blood boiling when getting well and truly hammered by an apponent when playing pro evo. It is common for the looser to quite literally loose the plot and launch the pad.

On Wednesday Frost suffered from pro evo rage when he was taken appart by Chaarndler in an epic thriller between United and Newcastle. Frost will argue that United are a better side. Whatever helps you sleep at night big man.

by Chaarndler June 1, 2006

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quid pro quo

Noun Phrase/adjective from Latin: "something in place of/(in exchange) for something." Implies a reciprocal or mutual exchange relationship. Note, the Latin does not mean "What for What."

Noun Phrase: "He stole my bike, I stole his boyfriend, I'd call that quid pro quo."
Adj.: "'I scratch your back, you scratch my back' implies a quid pro quo relationship."

by Pathei Mathos December 20, 2005

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pro plus

another word for pills, x, smarties.

"what drugs do you take?"
"oh you know, a bit of weed, and some pro plus

by mel April 12, 2005

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semi-pro ho

Like a pro ho, the female who goes for guys strictly because of their athletic prowess, but works it a tier lower, in the semi-pro field.

She's all about the cat 3 racers. What a semi-pro ho.

by J_F May 16, 2007

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Iphone 11 pro

An Alternate to a four burner stove

The stove was dirty, so Johnny used an Iphone 11 pro to cook his chicken.

by hilo jj October 15, 2019

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