Gege akutami!! (me too Gege, me too.)
guy1: "i got in a competition on who's the biggest Toji dick rider"
guy2: "you're fucked"
guy1: "nah, i'd win"
Kids TV shows went from dinosaur tanks and armored dinosaurs to dorks singing goofy songs with Barney the purple dinosaur in just a few years, and people wonder why some of us don't like change.
Dino riders was what people would really do with a dinosaur if they found any, even if it was a cartoon there was a touch of reality to it. Barney was a goofy show for goofy kids.
An OG Rider is when an "Original Gangster" breaks into your house, ties you up, and gets your bitch to ride his cock all night long. His signature way of saying he is done is by writing the letters "O" and "G" on your wall with his massive cum load.
"Oh-Gee-Ry-Der" Oh no babe who is breaking into our house... That's OG Rider oh no.
The state of being on the fly
“Wow! That speech was impromptu?”
“Yeah, he’s a real fly rider”
When a woman puts hot sauce on your dick and rides it till it's raw.
Dude, me and that girl at the party did the Mexican Rough rider in the bathroom I still can't feel my crotch.
when you take a piss without taking ur pants off,
you lift your leg and let it run off you ankel,,
you can do this standing or sitting.
urban man #1. bro i just wees rided
urban man #2. yea boy wees rider for life
urban man #1. fo shizzel
Rider Umphenhour is not real, he also gets 0 bitches
Rider Umphenhour likes Sydney Brown