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OK so first ima talk about what is a savage

A savage is someone who doesn't care breaks the rules and hurts people in the long run

Person 1: dude, did you see when micheal punched the principle.

Person 2: yeah he's a savage.

by straight out the suburbs February 12, 2016


The act of being a G.O.A.T. When you do something you do it with a passion. When you focus on something you don't stop until you get it done. Just the ultimate best always on beast mode.

Stop trying to always be wavy and start being a savage, you'll get done a lot more efficiently.

by KaeNola August 12, 2017


Anyone still coding in Java

Trying to explain modern functional programming to the common savage is about as useful as banging rocks together

by Makes cat memes September 19, 2021


A wild or crazy person, wild being a caveman.

GUY 1: That guy is so weird...
GUY 2: I know... he is a savage.
GUY 1: I though savage meant cool and good at roasting...
GUY 2: No. It is correct that it means crazy.

by Old me February 25, 2018


21 savage is a savage

savage savage

by notnikitas October 2, 2021


extremely cool

EMINEM puts the S in Savage.

by briwolf July 3, 2018


Lee de Paauw

Lee de Paauw: I wanted to test the theory so I jumped in a crocodile lake.
Cody Ko: That's savage!

by the_sparksman February 5, 2018