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thomas mcparland

Originated in Florida, this person is known as the world's most godly haxor in the history of the universe

Thomas McParland is the most l33t haxor on the face of the earth

by dave September 19, 2004

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Thomas Myers

An exclamation of rage after failing academically.

A declaration of revenge on a person named Thomas Myers, preferably done while shaking your fist and looking to the sky.
Comparable to "damn it".

Thomas Myers!, I failed my O Chem test.

by misterteehee December 11, 2009

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neil thomas

A retarded kid that yells across the hall to cause a disturbance.

Joe did a Neil Thomas by shouting at Zach for no reason in a library.

by Nikesoccer115 October 5, 2019

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thomas sidahmed

A nice guy that loves girls never let anyone down not an average guy he likes to listen and talk a lot.

Iโ€™ll always love Thomas Sidahmed

by Thomad March 30, 2018

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thomas sowell

the smartest black man to have ever existed.

Thomas Sowell has changed the thinking of many young black men.

by chef_slafdjl April 13, 2021

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Doubting Thomas

A person who does not trust his/her best friend, even though the best friend has proven them self to be virtuous.

"My best friend won't trust me with his sister"

"Dude, He is such a Doubting Thomas"

"Yeah, I feel kinda Judased

by Foster John February 20, 2010

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Sir Thomas

flushing lavatory, invented by Sir Thomas Crapper (although the term 'crapper' meaning 'somewhere to shit' was in use for hundreds of years previously)

i gotta go see sir thomas

by maggot February 25, 2005

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