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trip and fell into a lifeboat

To trip and fall into a lifeboat is to commit a gross dereliction of duty, to behave cowardly after one had accepted a position of leadership.

"I did not abandon my ship and crew, I trip and fell into a lifeboat!"

by Mouth of Babe January 19, 2012

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don't even trip

Don't mess around; Don't lie.

Are you serious? LaQuanda slept with 5 guys last night? Don't even trip cuz I'mma bout to call her.. so if you playing, I'mma beat you.

by Shadae November 30, 2003

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Perkin's Fishing Trip

When you fuck your dog in the ass and then go to your wife/girlfriend and ask for a blow-job.

Jim: So what did you do on the weekend?
Bob: Went on a Perkin's fishing trip with the missus, but she didn't like the taste.

by shoopdawhoop31231 February 26, 2009

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Band Trip Boyfriend

A boy in band that is your boyfriend only during the band trip. He asks you out on the bus there, and breaks up with you on the way back. There are never any hard feelings, because you only said yes because you were desperate.

Annie: "What? Jake broke up with you? But you two made such a cute couple!"

Dana: "Whatever, he was just a band trip boyfriend. It's not that big of a deal."

by cromartiedropout January 16, 2009

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Alaskan Road Trip

When two guys in the same car get road head at the same time, normally by two girls in the same car.

Yo man did you hear that Drew and Jake went on an Alaskan Road Trip with Samantha and Darrien?

by Carlos Weinerton January 19, 2015

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trips j maf

trips j maf, a group of sexy individuals who stay pimpin hoes.

damn did you see the trips j tonight? they looked fresh.

by juicy j April 17, 2004

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One Trip Pony

A person who does not believe in making more than one trip, even when they have a lot of stuff to carry.

I have 3 boxes, 2 bags and my purse and I am NOT COMING ALL THE WAY BACK DOWNSTAIRS I AM A ONE TRIP PONY!

by S-Beezy August 27, 2012

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