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Evelyn Moment

That time when you do something so stupid and so obnoxious you can’t even internalize it

Evelyn: holy shit I just killed my entire class
Everyone else: Evelyn moment

by Jesus Walk All Over You November 17, 2021

Youtube Moment

A genuine insult / the highest form of praise (Def:1)

The best kind of person / literally the worst person alive(Def:2)

A word of no significance or real meaning, much like the word literally(Def:3)

Person 1: *Does something stupid*
Person 2: Dude that was such a Youtube moment

by Jess394 January 22, 2023

HellaBlu Moment

When you're out of touch but very good at managing an organisation.

"Hey dude It's been a while since I've spoken, want to manage the TMs?"
"Wow, that's a HellaBlu Moment!"

by Waidenswil January 21, 2023

SpongeBob moment

When something happens in a movie or a TV show that is so goofy it could have happened in an episode of SpongeBob.

,,Oh man, this is such a SpongeBob moment"

by spongebobmoment January 28, 2023

titanic moment

While in a car, doing sexual activities that are so enjoyable you brace yourself with one hand against the window.

“i went down on her so good she had a titanic moment

by ainhahssy August 16, 2021

is it moment time?

something bensav asks for no reason

"is it moment time?"

by BenSav March 23, 2021

Lollipop moment

A lollipop moment is when someone might have inspired another, and this action has made an impact on the person’s life, and the one who inspired them might not even know it. It is encouraged to tell your lollipop moment that they did this for you, whatever that may be.

PERSON: Oh yeah, … was my lollipop moment for sure, he really inspired me to play music!

by ash0108 May 5, 2022