When you roll up a dryer lint blunt in dryer sheets and smoke it.
I'm gonna get higher than a motherfucker on my moms dryer blunt tonight with all my homies
when you freind try to grind you up but this nigga got nasty teeth just say dam look like you bite a blunt
dam nigga what you bite the blunt
The bottom line; what you really mean, the stuff people don’t want to say because they will be showing their hand
Give me the blunt end my nigga
Skinny blunts or blunts filled with Huckabee (substandard marijuana). Hence the term "Struggle Blunts".
I can't smoke with Denzel, he smokes those 'Struggle Blunts'.
It’s when you only got a gram or two left and you roll up a pencil
Aye my boy we only got enough for a struggle blunt
A blunt, joint, wood, or spliff that requires more than 1 paper to roll and have a tendency to have more than 1 filter.
Dam gang i was high af off that buster blunt you feel me?
two or more blunts rolled together with a lot of ganja to make a much longer nicer blunt. the blunt like the well known gandhi is brown and looks very skinny because it is so long.
i rolled a triple gandhi blunt last night, that thing lasted over an hour