1. Dope
2. Trap house
3. Jace
Jace is a boof. Let’s go smoke some boof at the boof
When you break the needle off of a syringe full of your drug of choice, and push the contents up into your rectum.
Jake boofed a load a few minutes ago, and now hes "buzzing down there"
Dude I went to jail last week for reckless boofing in public. I need a lawyer.!
Sex missionary though partners legs are over tops shoulders which cause deep penetration which forces small gusts of wind out hole that sound like boof boof
Man i was boofing Jeana last night and she let out some louds quacks my dawg. Boof be smelling funky
Injecting drugs in your anus. Via syringe without point , Turkey baster etc.
Them Illinois boys are boofers.
In the eighties and nineties boofing meant to smoke crack.
What happened to all of his money? He boofed it up.
A secret term used in the gay community to signal one’s gayness. working this word into a sentence or phrase is a way of outing one’s self in a secretive manner.