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texas boots

what Texas Hill Country folk wear for shoes. good for smashing cockroches..

My old texas boots trap many a cockroches with my pointed toes. In Texas, side of boots used for kicking mexican butts.
spurs used for getting a move on whatever we'r on top of!
In Texas we ride most anything thats warm & moves.....

by itichie_nocanpo October 29, 2006

8๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

Frozen Boot

A comparison of sorts to how things could have been worse. A form of punishment.

Bob: I pissed away my whole paycheck at the dammed Casino!

Bill: Well, that's better than getting kicked in the balls with a frozen boot!

Bob: That jackass cut me off changing lanes! I wish I had brought the Igloo cooler with the frozen boot for when we get to the next stoplight!

by Ralph, the bus driver October 2, 2006

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When someone fart's silently in a large group of people and tries to slip out of the room before anyone realizes what's happened.

Emma: I was in Target with a group of people and all of the sudden Kyle says goodbye and leaves. A few seconds later, we all smelled a fart. I know Kyle toot-and-booted it.

Sarah: He did the same thing to me and some other people after the movie was over the other day!

by bellawella99 August 30, 2014

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Boot Face

A person that got to close to the street when doing a bert-slide.

"Are you OK?"
"No! I'm a Boot Face

by Skar August 5, 2007

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boots with the fur

An adjective to describe something that is fly or off the chain. Also can describe an intense state of elation.

She thought she was all boots with the fur last night, but she's really a skank.

That party was boots with the fur awesome.

by mirabelleo February 4, 2008

73๐Ÿ‘ 160๐Ÿ‘Ž

boot up

a sex position in which the person girl ass in the air but the guy is fucking her in her pussy!,

a demanding way to ask for rough, careless sex

Davon:"Man is you gon boot up or what
Angelica:"yes boy daym"
Davon:"that wat i thot"

by Ahmayzeing Jackson May 21, 2010

45๐Ÿ‘ 98๐Ÿ‘Ž

boot a skag

Boot a skag

1. To inject Heroin.

"This guy told me that back in the day he used to boot a skag"

by Jon Lewis November 4, 2006

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