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man im bored what do i do hm play games what games tho

im bored ill just play roblox

by rblx jack May 15, 2022


When someone is so tired that they just want to commit sewer slide and leave this plane of existence.

JACOB: dude I'm so BORED
JAMES: Then just commit SEWERSLIDE
JACOB: I'll give it a try.

by THEPIPESARECALLING November 16, 2021


Probably your whole life. If I'm right give me a thumbs up, man.

-I'm bored
-Wah, me too.

by jUicy🥴✨️ May 14, 2022


Not doing anything until you lose the ability to count

fuck i cant count past 4 i am so bored

by YeetMaster123 December 8, 2019


Its what you are right now. dislike if you are bored.

Me: bored
Bff: Noice

by Rimy Jobbs December 13, 2022


The fact you are looking upbored

“Wow Sarah you must be so bored you haven’t done anything all day!”

by Narcissa_banks December 8, 2020


Me right now

you are probably bored tooooooo

by person who by the way is dead. May 25, 2021