Society's poison. They function that way EVERWHERE the go.
Along with denisovan-types -- filipinos, chaynese, indians (!!!!!!). The last the worst. Glad they did not have an empire. Right... As if they could organize like so. So much dysfunction with them.
Ex 1:
I'm playing the Civilization game? I want to make it interesting by fcking over my own civilization. Should I go about t by wars, famine, plague?.. Ah, I know, I'll just add british-types (english/anglo saxons at it's core) to the mix. That'll be VERY FUNNY.
Ex 2:
How do you spoil a girl? You cradle by her every whims, emotions, shower her with compliments? No. You put her around british-types. Forget katies, though. She's been that way before her friends found & hate on her (she doesn't see it, though). Only as much as you can do with German girls, really.
Society's poison. They function that way EVERWHERE the go around the world.
Ex 1:
I'm playing the Civilization game? I want to make it interesting by fcking over my own civilization. Should I go about t by wars, famine, plague?.. Ah, I know, I'll just add british-types (english/anglo saxons at it's core) to the mix. That'll be VERY FUNNY.
Ex 2:
How do you spoil a girl? You cradle by her every whims, emotions, shower her with compliments? No. You put her around british-types. Forget katies, though. She's been that way before her friends found & hate on her (she doesn't see it, though).
Society's poison. They function that way EVERWHERE the go.
I'm playing the Civilization game? I want to make it interesting by fcking over my own civilization. Should I go about t by wars, famine, plague?.. Ah, I know, I'll just add british-types (english/anglo saxons at it's core) to the mix. That'll be VERY FUNNY.
When the person giving the blowjob slowly grinds their teeth down on the penis.
Oh my god Stacy gave me a British Grinder last night now my penis hurts
A dog breed from Great Britain which is a stubborn, lazy little shit.
Friend 1: Yo, my new British bulldog puppy is a lazy little shit, he weighs half as much as me!
Friend 2: Nonsense, all dogs are playful.
Friend 1 shows Friend 2 a picture of dog sleeping on the couch
Friend 2: Damn that dog’s soo fat broo!!!!
The act of sneezing into a woman's pussy flaps like a tissue and letting the snot run down her vagina
"Yo bro, this girl had some ginormous flaps so I did the British Bowclacker on them. It was amazing!"