(originating from 'the male cave' described in John Gray's Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus)
a nicer (or more offensive depending on the situation) of telling someone "please don't talk to me right now"
a guy and his girlfriend in an argument:
Emily: Carl, we can't afford rent in this city any longer. I want you find a better paying job
Carl: (in an angry voice): please go back to your cave. I am on it like a car bonnet. Not my fault I am not getting any interviews. (In a pleasant, and less angry voice): Besides, sweetie, I am sorry I got angry at you, I came back from the gym and need to take a shower
(originating from 'the male cave' described in John Gray's Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus)
a nicer (or more offensive) way, depending on the situation, of telling someone "please don't talk to me right now"
a guy and his girlfriend in an argument:
Emily: Carl, we can't afford rent in this city any longer. I want you find a better paying job
Carl: (in an angry voice): please go back to your cave. I am on it like a car bonnet . Not my fault I am not getting any interviews. (In a pleasant, and less angry voice): Besides, sweetie, I am sorry I got angry at you, I came back from the gym and need to take a shower
( originating from 'the male cave' described in John Gray's Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus):
A nicer or more offensive way-depending on the context- telling someone ' please don't talk to me right now.
Emily: Carl we can't afford to live in this apartment anymore, we need more income.
Carl: Emily go back to your cave, I'll have to think about how to best handle your request. I have to think about how to get a better paying job.
a phrase meaning "shut up and don't talk to me right now"
a guy and his girlfriend in an argument:
Emily: Carl, we can't afford rent in this city any longer. I want you to nigger at finding a better paying job
Carl: please go back to your cave. I am on it like a car bonnet.
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User: cavev
Ignore my 10th name *LMFAO*
cave cave cave cave cave cave cave cave cave cave cave cave cave cave cave
Short for caveman. A caucasian person.
You’re giving cave.
Theses cave people are getting on my nerves.
A large chamber, typically of natural origin, in a hillside or cliff.
This cave is definitely not underground.