This is commonly used in a joke by kids in
Middle School/High School.
Billy: "Hey what do you call nuts on your chin?"
Tommy: "Idk what?"
Billy:"Dick in your mouth!"
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Money. Or the most common form of currency/capital
"Could I borrow a little chin-wa?"
(Must be accompanied with hand gesture of forefinger rubbing against thumb in sweeping motion!)
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Porn-star chin. The wide chin which is square-ish and which tappers off into a somewhat defined jaw line. Also, that chin with low or flared cheekbones of your average male pornstar.
Daniel Radcliffe would have a porn star chin if his were any more square.
Archer from the comic show featured on tele has porn star chin.
Used in sentence: Hot dang Dan why does Dave pull all the good looking ones? I know man; he has the porn star chin--that's why!
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wen youve done somthing realy stupid
"oi charlie you got egg on ya chin mate"
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A person who has been deemed qualified to identify if an individual has an ugly chin or jawline referred to as a “Thanos chin” in reference to the Marvel Character’s bumpy, deformed chin.
“Yeah he said that she had a Thanos chin. I guess he must be a Thanos Chin Biologist.”
When a sumo wrestler tucks their balls up inside them to protect them when they are going to have a fight.
Boris: Have you tucked your balls up yet Jeremy?
Jeremy: yeah I’ve got chin’s ficken balls
A person (usually a girl) with a pronounced chin and jawline that looks as if it would definitely aid in the placement of the male genitalia in the mouth and throat when performing oral intercourse
Arthur: Yo do you know Abby
Will: Yeah man she got that Dick Sucking Chin