A dance move that will make everyone cringe and then get cancer.
He dabbed and now Jimmy is in the hospital.
dab is an acronym for:
hey man did you know that dab
A meme that is more dead then my adopted grandpa died 10 years ago
Person 1:*dabs*
Person 2: I hope you die
A dance move that people often think as popular!It is easy to do and most people around the world have done it and know what it is.
Teacher: Zack,what is 8+2 ?
Zack:Yes's..*then dabs twice*
An annoying move that was so 2016.
Boy 1: *Dabs*
Boy 2: stop dabbing that is so cringy.
Doing what ever you think is cool in the moment.
I dabbed. It was so cool. I just did whatever.
A dab is an act where oneself bows the head into the corner
Tyler’s style is off the charts; seeing him dab on the opposing team with each “swish” I heard. Truly adding insult to injury.