In times of emergency or disaster, EMO coordinates the response of State agencies ensuring the most appropriate resources are dispatched to the impacted area.
286๐ 215๐
A word that people who are snobish and tend to range from jocks to preps enjoy defining, to make them feel superior and important. Said people are incapable of realizeing that they are the ones who created said emo.
jackass: "i define you as an emo therefore you MUST cut yourself, smoke dope, keep a diary, dress like a fag, hide behind your hair, and cry to your my chemical romance CD."
37๐ 22๐
Emo is a genre of music, also known as "Emotive Hardcore", which was created in the 80s by a band who uplifted it all known as Rites of spring. Emo is a powerful and passionate style of genre that features powerful musical build ups, Vocalists screaming passionately, and Very Instrumental.
Emo is NOT in anyway linked to how a person dresses or looks like, Emotions, or the action of one cutting themselves.
Emo Is Legit! Check it out boiz and gurlz!
GOOD emo bands I listen To:
La dispute,
Pianos Become The Teeth,
Algernon Cadwallader,
Touche Amore,
Loma Prieta,
Bring Me The Horizon,
Drop Dead Gorgeous,
Bullet For My Valentine,
Escape The Fate,
Taking Back Sunday.
Man Pianos Become The Teeth is my favorite Emo Band!
Drop Dead Gorgeous on the other hand...... FAILS.
28๐ 16๐
How to be emo:
Wear only skinny jeans or old, crappy, tight, cut-up jeans. Wear tight shirts that you can barely get over your head. If after getting dressed you can't breathe and look like a hobo, you've done it right. No shoes but low-top Converse or slip-on Vans are acceptable. Anything out of Hot Topic will do.
Dye your hair with the cheapest, least-convincing black dye you can find. Nothing over 99 cents. Fix it so that you look like you just rolled out of bed then walked through a hurricane and lost a fight with a lawn mower.
Peirce everything you can reach, and put in the largest, ugliest rings you can find.
Dark, thick makeup is key in the emo world. Never leave the house without putting on globs and globs of badly-put-on black eyeliner. Extreme amounts of bright pink eyeshadow is optional.
Now that we've covered the emo look, it's time to teach you to act the part of an emo, so the others won't think of you as a poser.
Flip your hair vigorously every ten seconds. If your neck is broken at the end of the day, good job.
Whine about your pathetic life every chance you get, (twice as much if your parents are divorced) but never reveal that you live in saburbia. If asked where you reside, say something emo like, "The depths of living hell", "The home of sorrow", or some other pussy shit like that.
Always have your MySpace mood set to "apathetic," and make sure to have about 986730865734567349576 pictures of yourself with extremely emo captions that have plenty of X's. It is necessary to be a MySpace whore, and to beg for picture comments in a bulletin every ten minutes.
Only listen to emo bands such as Dashboard Confessional, My Chemical Romance, ect. If there is an extremely popular emo band at your school, say that you like them even if you don't.
Make it widely known that you cut yourself every night with a razorblade while listening to emo music. If ever asked why, say something stupid like, "I cut myself to stay ALIVE! You would NEVER understand!" Then run away crying, even if you are not upset.
Finally, always deny that you are emo. Claim to be scene, goth, or a "non-conformist." But always keep in mind that you are, and always will be, a pussy little emo fag.
Emo kid: My life is a big black whole of sorrow and nothingness. My razorblade is the only thing that lets me know I am still alive.
Normal kid: Fuck you, emo.
Emo kid: Oh em gee! I'm not emo! I'm SCENE!
Normal kid: What's the difference?
Emo kid: You don't UNDERSTAND! Why does nobody get me!?!?! *Runs away crying and cutting himself, preparing to post this event on his blog.*
627๐ 519๐
A nother way of saying somthing's emo.
Maggie: BUhahah!! Fall to my Emoness!!
Guy: No...loser...
Maggie: meaniepoo!
29๐ 17๐
An oversused clique.
the word "emo" is around because society made it.
today everything is "emo"...
we get called emo if we like the color black, or wear converse and skinny jeans. We get called emo if we arnt happy 24/7. we get called emo for having hair in front of our eyes. we get called emo for wearing eyeliner. the list can go on..
it is thrown around like no other lable.
most people are too ignorant to know that emo is just a genre of music.
we are all guilty of using the emo clique.
even those of us who bitch about it.
84๐ 60๐
A stupid trend. Followers of this trend, often referred to as emo kids, think they are "alternative" (how is that possible when MTV stirred it all up?), when infact they are just as much sheeps as the preps. All emo kids look the same. They share the exact same values. They listen to the same horrible bands. Is that to be an individual? Is that unique? No. Most don't even know the origins of emo. Many of them claim they are "non-conformists". These days, "non-conformist" has lost its true meaning and is just another synonym for poser. How does supporting major clothing lines such as Hot Topic make you a non-conformist? You are the antithesis of that. Wake up. The emo trend is like hair-metal; in a few years you'll burn all pictures of yourself, being so ashamed that you had such an ugly haircut.
The third-wave emo movement is a testimony on how MTV (Manipulating Teenage Views) is able to pick up just about anything and mold it into a trend in order to make money, even if this results in mindless teenagers who can't think for themselves and destroying what's left of the real music scenes.
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