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effort fail

the act of putting in a lot of effort, yet resulting in a fail.

*ugly chick attempting to put on make-up to look hot*
Guy: woah dude, what an effort fail.

by largh June 2, 2009

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stalker fail

When a friend, or acquaintance is un-aware of a very obvious fact regarding yourself.

Wow! I can't believe you didn't know i had a car, what a stalker fail.

by awesomenesstasity May 30, 2010

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Fail Band

Any band that tends to fail at multiple factors of being a band, i.e; music, promotion, name. A sad excuse for a band.

Burning Cold is the most epic fail band ever!

by lionheart23 February 9, 2010

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Fail Kid

A kid who thinks he is funny by saying things but really isn't. This type of person generally fails at life, has no friends and sits at their computer all day long. These people are different from trolls in the sense that they fail at trolling too and have no actual value to contribute to society or life.

A fail kid is someone who stalks you on facebook, posts random fail comments and thinks hes cool and good at everything they do.

by Mr.Thorn January 4, 2011

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fail token

A fail token is any object tossed towards another person when they have decidedly failed at some task.

Reab: I just threw my cat in a blender
Linkzell: <toss>
Reab receives "fail token".

by Reab April 15, 2010

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Failing At Life

Failing at Life is being dead, put simply.

"Gramma's funeral was really sad. All they talked about was her failing at life."

by Jess S-J May 27, 2008

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Asian Failing

Asian Failing is failing to get an A or high B. If you get a low B or C, you are "Asian Failing".
Similar to getting F's in school, but relating to Asians.

Jim: Hey Daniel so what did you get on that Algebra quiz?
Daniel: I got a 92, how about you?
Jim: I got a 77, fuck I'm Asian failing.

by PhabulosoPhresh October 25, 2009

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