Get Giggled - to be killed in call of duty by a shot to the ass, legs, feet or arms.
Everyone knows and has seen that final killcam or deathcam from Call of Duty where someone shoots you in the foot or ass and it kills you
*Final Killcam on search and destroy*
*Guy 360 quickscopes and shoots said player in the foot*
Everyone in the game lobby yells: "GET GIGGLED!!!"
Getting majorly screwed by a computerized system that messes up critical functions. (Drawn from the epic fail of a government pay system).
Seriously, I'm not getting my paychecks, my e-mails aren't fuctioning , I'm not showing up in the system and, well - I just hate getting Phoenixed.
To smoke weed; to get high.
Thad - You tryin' to get safe?
Tanner - Yee, I'm always down for a safety meeting.
To indulge yourself in a particular friendship or relationship with someone.
I get along with my ex at the theater.
When something goes your way and your with a group of friends (typically boys) you use this phrase. It means "yes he have done it" and expresses excitement and happiness
*wins a game of overwatch*
person: Get In Boys
A phrase used when you fight an opponent on a video game, and win because of a luck factor. Especially appropriate when you would have lost without good luck.
My opponent obnoxiously yelled "Get Skilled!" at me after he won the match due to a random 5% status condition. What an asshole.