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Moldy closet

A dirty, or stinky butthole

1: I gotta hit the shower and clean out the moldy closet.

2: Baby, your hygiene sucks! I can smell the moldy closet, a foot away!

by CircleJ September 27, 2023

Moldy closet

A dirty crotch

1: I gotta hit the shower and clean out the moldy closet!
2: Baby , your hygiene sucks, I can smell the moldy closet, 2 feet away!

by CircleJ September 27, 2023

Moldy closet

A dirty butthole

Beeen a long day, I gotta hit the shower and clean out the moldy closet!

by CircleJ September 27, 2023

Closet snacks

When your living situation is uncomfortable so you buy snacks to keep in your closet to avoid seeing family members or roommates in high tensions

“My roommates and I got into a fight so I’m entering my closet snacks era”

by Merpderp1555 December 11, 2024


The act of being kinky only when no one else is around.

Jessica Alba was a Closet-Kink because she kept her handcuffs in a lockbox under her bed.

by Grizzly Gaddis February 24, 2011

return to the closet

A random gay/lesbian starts to hide his/her sexuality because of different reasons, after a change of situation/location, without stopping being gay/lesbian.

Gay A - Where is this sweatie, that Paul?
Gay B - He moved to Atlanta yesterday.
Gay A - Like this?
Gay B - Well, he made a return to the closet.
GAY A -OMG that horrrrribleeeee!!!

by AlbaricoqueBCDE December 8, 2013

closet hog

A fat person who claims they have medical problems preventing them from being a normal weight when they really just stuff their face.

Barbara has always been very overweight and she always claimed she was on a strict health-food diet plan, but one night I saw her at a buffet with a plate overflowing with hotdogs, sandwiches, fries, chocolate cake, and the list goes on. She's a closet hog.

by deepspace10 November 29, 2010