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jumping std

a whore that is usually ugly and either fat or anorexic; so dirty that you might actually contract an std by walking past her; her std's "jump" off her body onto yours as you walk past

Anna is such a jumping std, she tried to give me her std's today in the commons but I ran away from her.

by knable'11 April 21, 2008

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house jumping

The act of cutting through someone's yard to reach the street on the other side.

Yo Dan, let's go on a super house jumping adventure through our neighborhood!

by J-eremy April 21, 2010

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Planet Jump

When a group, society, or civilization of intelligent beings leave their home planet due to population overcrowding or an impending cosmological threat. To transfer from one planet to another. The evacuation of an occupied planet.

They had no choice but to planet jump when the Sun of their solar system began to die.

by Intune2U November 26, 2011

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joke jump

When you are about to tell a joke to an audience & someone pre-empts all or part of the joke & takes the credit for the laughter after the punch line

Mick: Did you hear the one about the incy wincy piano...
Andy: & the 12 inch pianist!
Crowd: hahahahahah
Andy: Thanks, funy joke hey!
Mick: Andy, your a joke jumper

by Down Town Steve Brown June 22, 2006

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Jumped the ship

When a boyfriend or girlfriend meets the parents of their significant other.

Robert: Did you hear, Dave jumped the ship last week!
Susie: For real? They have been dating for a while now I guess.

by TheSpeakerForTheRocks May 1, 2010

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monkey jumped

Instead of throwing an arm around a girl you throw your whole body on her and you go in for a kiss with your tongue out and mouth wide open

Dirk monkey jumped Kelly in Ryan's kitchen in front of everyone.

by Barney Goodheart October 5, 2006

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Gorilla Jumping

Synonym for tea bagging. Often associtated with Halo (used to taunt in this case)

Imagine you have just fraged someone (your team or otherwise)...now run over to their dead body and crouch, jump, or lay on it repeadedly wile sniggering.

by Gorilla Jumper October 28, 2004

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