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what like

Bastardized version of fit like bred purely for the use of the 'what light?' pun as demonstrated below:

Willie: Switch off that light, Deek!
Deek: What light?
Willie: What like, yersel?

by chird March 15, 2004

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Ya like that?

1. This phrase is used to ask for reassurance of a sexual action, in the same manner as dirty talk.

2. Used as a joking reference to the former to ask approval for any action, but usually one undesirable by the one questioned.

1. (During fellatio) "Ya like that?" "Yeah baby, do it like that."

2. (After farting) "YA LIKE THAT HAHAHA" "Eeew you sicko"

by CaptainoftheSCENE February 1, 2007

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Like a sir

A phrase used to express the sophistication of one's character. If one wears a monocle or top hat, they most definitely are like a sir. A much fancier substitute for "like a boss".

1. Bro, I totally banged that chick while wearing a monocle. Like a sir!

2. Aristocrat 1: I do say, that performance by GaGa was riveting!
Aristocrat 2: Like a sir!

by CSirness May 30, 2012

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like Meekins

To do something--ie, run track, play steel drums, or contribute to a screenplay--with great stealth. Often better than anyone expected.

Next thing you knew, her husband was coming in the door. I was sneakin like Meekins.

by Greg December 30, 2004

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a word describing people who overachieve and have very deep voices. Also, these people have a need for constant attention and will make absurd coments to atract the needed attention.

graham is so graham-like.

by nick kimmerly July 12, 2005

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parallel liking

On Facebook, when one person's comment is liked by another person, whose responding comment is then liked by the original commenter.

Can be used for many reasons, the most common being:
1. Self-absorption
2. Eagerness to appear as though one has a private joke with someone else
3. Desire to publicly proclaim the good standing of a relationship to the world (whether true or false).

Vanessa: Wow, I can't believe Brit-brit and Jen-jen are so self-absorbed that they keep parallel liking everything!

Angie: Yeah, especially since they had that big fight yesterday...everyone knows they don't really get along anymore.

by korotoumou February 1, 2011

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Why like this?

The phrase is coming from the Hebrew language (free translation from Hebrew), meaning unsatisfying from an action done by someone, usually when it concerns to money issues.

when you're trying to buy rain coat in Nepal, when you know that it's price is 5$, and the seller is trying to rip you off offering "really good price of 20$", you tell him "why like this?"

by Ben Harosh December 15, 2005

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