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whatever you say, it dont mean shnat

what joe kim said on the bus ride to wharton
2. pissed off dutch person

joe kim said whatever you say it dont mean shnat for the whole bus ride to wharton.

by joe May 1, 2004

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Fuck y’all our names have meaning

No one cares about what your judgy ass thinks and you are in fact hating.

fuck y’all our names have meaning and you’re a hating ass hoe

by Gioawesomeness November 24, 2021

9πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

stfu no cares about the meaning of your names

Stfu with ur snaps

stfu no cares about the meaning of your names On Snapchat

by Andrewthekidwhofuckedyourbitch March 14, 2017

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what she really means by "you're welcome"

Slide in my DMs

"Thanks for finally showing up on my TL"
"You're welcome"

What she really means by "you're welcome"

"Slide in my DMs"

by dm expert July 24, 2014

what does four fingers down mean?

It means that you are an absolute gay wad and like big juicy penus

For example what does four fingers down mean?,"blow harder daddy!!!!I thought you puts four fingers down!!!"

by thegaysarenottherightchoice May 10, 2023

Your name here doesn't mean shit

We don't care what other people invented about your in Urban dictionary.

Dude, have you checked your name on Urban Dictionary?
- Honestly, your name here doesn't mean shit

by I don't care about your name November 22, 2021

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got goalkeeper doesn't mean cannot score goal

Originally coined by unknown person of incredible literary talent, made popular by Anthony, this phrase is an analogy often used to encourage people pursuing someone of the opposite gender which is already attached.

This analogy is based on the empirical evidence of soccer matches with positive goals scored (n > 0), despite the presence of a goalkeeper intending precisely to stop that. Similarly, just because a girl (guy) has a boyfriend (girlfriend), doesn't mean that she (he) is automatically unavailable.

A skilled striker may still be able to score a goal despite the presence of a goalkeeper. Of course, the presence of a goalkeeper does increase the difficulty associated with goal-scoring.

This has led to phrases such as "I can't even score an open goal!" or "wow Kenji can score goal even with so many defenders!"

Note: the definition listed above in no way represents the attitude of the author towards the subject

A: "wow that girl is amazing! too bad she's already with that stud Anthony"

B: "what kind of defeatist attitude is that! don't you know, got goalkeeper doesn't mean cannot score goal!"

A: "alright i'm going for it! watch out Anthony!"

by jet-x June 8, 2009

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