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The Mega Orb

The nickname for the Breaking Cat News (BCN) fandom stationed on GoComics. The nickname originates from the shape of users' profile pictures.

Also spelled as Mega-Orb

Boops and prayers from the Mega Orb!

by meta_knight2007 October 16, 2020

Mega small

Extremely small in size.

“My boyfriend couldn't pleasure me bc his dick is mega small so i hooked up with his dad.

by CarlyXxxL February 1, 2022

Mega Gatling Gun

(Gaming) Another term for Gatling Gun II.

"Just place down as many Mega Gatling Guns before your opponent spams Chrome and Thor at you."

by AwesomeGamer22 January 14, 2023


A blackhole that's larger than average, but not as large as a supermassive one, (aka. an intermediate blackhole).

'Two average-sized blackholes merged to form one so extraordinarily large that it became a mega-blackhole (Nickname: 'The Mega'), but even that is nothing compared to the size of a supermassive blackhole.'

(Please read my definition of a supermassive blackhole for more information).

by DianaLuciusDeCollis July 30, 2022

mega flex

A metaphorical flex where you try to assert mental dominance over others by "flexing" your brain and showcasing your knowledge. Usually done in a condescending manner.

"I'm literally starving."
"You're not literally starving, you're just hungry. If you were starving you'd be unable to talk or move."
"What a mega flex."

by justsomeguywhoeatswaffles November 19, 2018

Mega pear

A woman who has massive thick thighs, legs hips and ass. Her upper body from head to the start of her tummy is average. A circumference of at least 6 feet around her body.

I was at Walmart getting groceries. This woman waddled by me , she was a mega pear !

by Herman Hairdo December 23, 2021

Mixed mega sours

A mixed mega sour is a "sweet" that is VERY sour, and is bound to make all but the most courageous puke out of their eyeballs. It is a multi-coloured ball-sweet that the makers expect people to eat. The following example is actually a true story, and it all happened word for word.

My brother warned me about these... I didn't listen, and proceeded to eat one. The following example is what happened then, me being guy number 1, a friend is guy number 2.

Guy number 1: Holy SHIT. That sweet was DISGUSTING. 'mixed mega sours' Very, very accurate description. Mixed into a pile of shit and puke, and then coloured by an ill squirrel's piss.

Guy number 2: I don't see the problem

Guy number 1: I just ate a multi-coloured ball of shit.
Guy number 2: Ah

by JimBob the Second of JapanIsle May 27, 2011