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Groove Obama

An Obama Appreciation band, set up for the God of everything. He IS in fact the chocolate man from the Lynx ad. Formed by Jazz, Enud and Anne Frank, the three are usually called by Doesn't It The Matter, or The Shaky Surgeons. Often mistaken for Starsky, Hutch and the missing Cowboy from The Village People

Tabloid headings:
"Doesn't It goes political"
"Doesn't It says time for change!"
Guy#1: Have you listened to Groove Obama?
Guy#2: Did you mean Groove Armada?
Guy#1: No
Guy#2: Oh... Eh, go wan so la
Guy#1: That's the job

by Yer Wan January 23, 2009

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Mini Obama

One who loves Obama, almost or succesfully (although it isn't success. Talks about him in every sentence.

2 Boys
1st one. ZOMFG!!!!! Obama's elected!!!!!!
2nd one. But that was last year.....
1st one. I KNOW!!!!! isn't it GREAT!!!!!!
2nd one. (Save me god) You're such a mini Obama......
1st. AND I LOVE IT/HIM!!!!!!!

by Jman =D October 12, 2009

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The Obama Talk

The inevitable talk a child gets from his/her parent(s). The talk consists of now, after Obama being elected president, anything is possible. Is as inevitable as the "Birds and the Bees" talk

Brent: "I just got off the phone with my mom. She kept talking about how I can do anything I set my mind to now."
Tim: "Oh...she gave you the Obama Talk"

by Fittzypick! November 7, 2008

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The Obama Years

The Obama era from 2009 to 2017 and a lot of questionable activities and events happened between those years. These events included Operation Fast and Furious, Obamacare, WikiLeaks and much more.

The Obama Years are the most outrageous and disgusting events in American history.

by Strange Blue Dude June 16, 2017

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Barack Obama

God in human form. Most likely a descendant of Morgan Freeman.

Barack Obama is our lord and savior.

by deeter123 January 14, 2008

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Obama Bomb

The perfect pregame drink: grab a pint glass, fill it halfway with Keystone Light. Obtain a bottle of Root Beer Schnapps, pour a couple splahes in the half glass of Keystone Light. Bomb a few and you'll be as eloquent as Obama, bitches will be DTF.

"I had 5 Obama Bombs before I went out and it took me 5 minutes before I was fucking this girl"

by Fantasy Mike September 27, 2008

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obama effort

taking the easy way out/ doing somthing half ass

Raking the levees in your yard into piles but not picking them up to they eventually blow all over the yard again is an example of an obama effort

by $billz say quack March 20, 2009

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