The act of inserting your big toe into your partners anoos.
My wife enjoys a toe in the dot before Church on Sunday mornings.
Used by black niggas that have an African accent
Ah eh you negro dot u du dis
A small poop stain left in one’s underwear, usually after a long day of wear or a near accident. Named after the mark a melted whopper candy might leave on clothing.
After barely holding in that poop all day, I had a whopper dot in my underwear.
Tiny pellets of hail that are similar in size and appearance as Dippin' Dots.
I know DIppin' Dots hail is just frozen water droplets, but they probably taste better than their birthday cake flavor.
Those little wet dots you (or someone else) get on your shirt after a sneeze.
Jeff sneezed and covered his shirt with snot dots.
A spot or film of fugitive adhesive. The greenish brown high profile low tack version found on the back of new credit cards is also called a booger dot.
Less disgusting than actual snot. More fun than a blob of rubber cement.
My new credit card came with a snot dot.