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Point and Bath

A sex game also known as "Just the Tip", also usually a lie.

If a dude wanted to get it on with a lady, but she wasn't really ready so he says, "Just a little point and bath", to which she agrees and then after a bit of that a lot more happens.

by The Warped One September 17, 2008

4πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Pregnancy point

A point in life where you have reached a level of accomplishment that will not be threatened should you knock a girl up. Sexual relations that result in impregnation prior to this point may prevent the completion of an adequate level of schooling, and most certainly end in a shitty job/lifestyle (I.e. working at McDonald's and living in a trailer park).

Dude, nine months till you finish university and officially past the pregnancy point. You can bare back it worry free!

by Walla_B September 21, 2014

4πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

point of no return

the point on a poorly made urinal, where the least amount of piss bounces back on to your trousers

hey man, did you piss on your leg?
oh yeah, i couldn't find the point of no return on that shitty urinal

by kosherbacon January 3, 2011

57πŸ‘ 95πŸ‘Ž

G points

points for being a gangsta

"i got 5 g points for smacking you"

by Ms.Propa May 14, 2005

30πŸ‘ 46πŸ‘Ž

Koolaid Points

Canadian slang. Directly related to how cool you are with a certain person. Losing and recieving koolaid points is based on whatever the hell that person feels like.

"Yo, dis weed be da shit. You just earned all yo koolaid points back."
"Omigod, you loser, that sweater is lyke so last season!!!1oneone You just lost all your koolaid points!"
"That Doors shirt is so fuckin' illin. Twnety-five koolaid points."

by loseresque July 22, 2005

8πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Exclamation Point

A question mark that has been straightened out by God, if you put your faith in Him for things you don’t understandβ€”when you are in the valley where life seems unfair, yet you wait upon His grace and goodness to turn things around.

Whenever you find yourself in those dark places (breakup, betrayal, death, debt, divorce, hurt, job loss, sickness, …), know that God can turn your question marks into exclamation points.

by MathPlus December 31, 2019

254πŸ‘ 455πŸ‘Ž

grosse pointe

A seemingly rich community from the outside, but once in there, you'll find a trailer park or two worth or trash. Not nearly as corrupted as everyone believes, there are just some who mess up and get attention. In all actuality, everyone else outside of Grosse Pointe is just a jealous bitch who wishes they could live here. Unfortunately for them, and thank god for us....they can't, because they couldn'y afford the rent on the shittiest place in town.

by That's Mr. Grosse Pointe to you. August 3, 2003

107πŸ‘ 205πŸ‘Ž