a person who stays on facebook all day and night. Just like a person who watches the television all day and night like a couch potato.
Holly must be a face potato today because every time I post something on her wall or on my wall, she immediately has a comment.
A certain arrangement of facial features that resembles that of a nigger.
Kyle- “Yo Jamal you got a nigger face.”
The face cradle seems to the untrained eye to be a face palm, but is actually much gentler and more nurturing than the face palm.
"Oh, look at Gerard doing the face cradle! He's so awesome!"
The kind of face that will make you look again.
Some one who has a addictive face. Makes u wanna always look at them
Sreeveetha has a ganja face, every time I look at her, feel like want to look again and again.
Oh man, that girl has a ganja face, I always wanna look at that addictive face.
A person's face that is appealing to look at.
Wow.. Olivia over there really has a lovely face.
Jordan and Ali are two girls that do not have lovely faces!
if wristie refers to the humble hand-job, a face-wristie is a wristie performed by the mouth.
by jingo! josh madden would never knock back a face wristie!
When you engage In something without the proper preparation or skill to do it correctly.
Adam: I'm joining the Band Club! I'll be assigned to The Guitar, I'm gonna play so good!
Johnny: Adam, You don't even have any knowledge of how to play guitar. You don't even know The Basic Chords... You're
going in with a pretty Unwashed Face!