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reverse cosby'd

when you slip a rufie in a chick's drink and your drinks somehow get switched

"bro how did you end up passed out in that indian guy's garden?"
"ion know man, i think i got reverse cosby'd"

by ashthecoolest December 5, 2016

the reverse piper

When a man's arsehole is eaten out while bending over and being jerked off by a women who is kneeling behind him.

Girl 1: How is your boyfriend?
Girl 2 : He has been a bit weird lately but I gave him the reverse piper last night and now he's fine.

by slender58 May 5, 2016

Reverse Thanksgiving

The act of shoving a turkey in ones anal cavity. It can be for pleasure or punishment

I walked in on my Grandma getting a Reverse Thanksgiving. I am scarred for life now

by the giver of thanks December 8, 2016

Reverse Charmander

When your hands are full at night, so you carry a candle between your legs, near you crotch.

Oh your hands are full? Try doing the reverse Charmander!

by Nyrulisms May 26, 2021

Reverse Procrastination

When one finishs a project long before the due date and then forgetting about the project completely.

Reverse procrastination can lead to lack of editing, forgetting the due date, or losing the project completly.

I completed a project two months before the due date, but because of reverse procrastination, I forgot where I put it.

by fufulord December 18, 2014

Reverse Caveman

When a cave-lady drags a caveman by the beard back to the cave for sex.

Don't make me reverse caveman you right now.

by Kelllissa June 23, 2013

Reverse splenderson

When you convince your girlfriend you won’t climax in her, but then do it anyway.

WTF! Your reverse splenderson is gonna get me pregnant. I’m ovulating you douche bag!

by Clausen Balls June 3, 2020