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Stinky Digits

n. Sexual fettish carried out between two partners, where one partner poops on the other partner's hands.

During the course of foreplay, Tom released a bowel movement in Betty's hands, giving her the most invigorating Stinky Digits ever.

by Hugh Mungus February 6, 2006

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making stinky

Simply means going poop

In kindergarten having to poo didnโ€™t mean having to poo it meant needing to make stinky.
POV Your a 5 year old in the bathroom making stinky

by J Slasher July 26, 2021

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stinky heater

1. Another term for a woman's genitals
2. An ill-odored hand warmer
3. A woman's private area that has not been cleaned

Amanda's stinky heater burned the skin off of Bobby's hand and permanently scented it.

by Grammy Vi July 8, 2008

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stinky salmon

A stinky salmon is a trend on the rise in which an individual deficates into a condom and then freezes it and uses it as a dildo and penetrates a vagina.

Yo bro did you bang her out? Naw bro I gave her a stinky salmon instead

by Kjizzle September 28, 2013

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stinky ogar

a stinky ogar is used as an kid friendly insult and can be used on roblox to insult somebody. A stinky ogar could also mean that you are stinky and fat, another way of insulting soembody

"You wont let me play on you playset, STINKY OGAR"

by kristen.noodles January 7, 2020

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Stinky Vag Syndrome

Also known as SVS or RV (Rebecca Vagina), Stinky Vag Syndrome is a condition in which a woman's Vagina smells horrid. When a sufferer of SVS has sex that entire room is cleared out, and left with a lingering stink that no man could handle.

"Dude don't go after her."
"Dude she doesn't have Stinky Vag Syndrome."
"It's worse, she has RV."

by HOLDMAHDICK March 16, 2012

Stinky femboy rat

Furry porn

Person 1: furry porn?
Person 2: stinky femboy rat

by Carbonado February 10, 2021