Source Code

Canadian Cyclone

During anal sex between a man and a woman, the man pees while the woman poops.

The canadian cyclone is done by perverts.

by Hahns Jensley December 18, 2006

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Canadian Immigrants

A perfect source of low labour workers, such as janitors, waiters, taxi drivers, etc., that consists of highly educated workforce (masters and PhDs) who used to have good careers in their own country.

Pros: They are resistant to abuse and unpaid wages and they never complain. Companies love them because they can lower costs and increase their profit margins.

Cons: They don't speak English, and even though they do, they still don't have "Canadian Experience".

Why take such a low paying job? You act like one of those Canadian Immigrants!

by PeeeeWeeee August 20, 2011

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Canadian Toast

Toast that is more charred ash than toast.

"You man, what the hell are you eating?"
"Dude, I like my Canadian Toast!"

by 5P1N4L 74RP January 3, 2009

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Canadian Mustache

a unibrow

Did you see that dude's Canadian mustache?

by mooshkameeshka October 10, 2010

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Canadian Handshake

A greeting exchanged among Canadians in which two people firmly place their hands on one another's groins and squeeze.

Ed is from Winnepeg, he might try to give you a Canadian Handshake

by Fuckyouidontcare September 5, 2015

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canadian handshake

when you knee someone in the crotch, that, my friend, is a canadian handshake.

''john grabbed my boob, so i gave him a canadian handshake!''

by beezlebub 1776 June 17, 2007

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Canadian beaver

1. A superlative act of sexual intecourse in which the mind and all the senses are as thoroughly engaged as the sexual organs. So called as the brain is considered north while the gentials are south (Mexico or Brazil); also refers to the fact that the beaver (Castor canadensisis) is the Great White North's national animal, and thus, "Canadian beaver" refers to tip-top or top-drawer fucking.

2. A girl or woman living in the country of Canada, most of which lies north of the 48 continguous United States.

I was up in Montreal gambling and I rassled me up some Canadian beaver!

by Tunmy AuGratin February 25, 2006

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