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Indian restaurant syndrome

when you smell sooo bad (mainly used on Fergus Wildely webster)

yo that hoe definitely has Indian restaurant syndrome.

by Fergus weeabooster March 3, 2017

Indian Ass Grab

When you put both your thumbs up an ass crack while kicking them in the pussy in a red pair of metal cleats.

Hey Janice bend over the Sound Horse is about to Indian Ass Grab you.

by Dr. Doom420 May 16, 2021

Stinky Indian Shotgun

During an evening with family and friends at an Indian restaurant, consume large quantities of spicy Indian food that will be sure to liquefy and ignite your poo. Later on when you are with your loved one and feel that your poo has arrived, there will be a very good chance that you shall fart at the same time. Take careful aim, as the fart will cause the hot liquid poo to rocket out from between your cheeks and splatter into the face of your loved one and the surrounding scenery. Also known as the "Backwards Bukaki."

You: Dear god, a burglar broke into my house recently.
Others: Holy taintstain! Are you all right?
You: Don't worry, I ate much Indian food that night so I gave him the 'ol Stinky Indian Shotgun!
Others: Good job!
You: Yea, he's been in the hospital for three weeks now. Do any of you know a good method for washing poo out of the drapes?

by Ashfak Shnitzelwitz March 23, 2008

43๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž

Indian Snake Charmer

The act of placing a fitted tube around your own penis for ones pleasure and watching the sperm travel up into your mouth while holding the tube like a flute and performing swaying motions like your taming your King Cobra.

Kumar: Did you hear what Harddick did last night?

Dilip: No, what on earth did he do this time?

Kumar: he extracted the venom out of his king cobra!

Dilip: Ew he performed the Indian Snake Charmer, what the fuck thats fucking gundu!

Kumar: yeah I know what a benchod.

by Cumonmykeyboard4life March 29, 2010

10๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Indian Blackie Face

(or IBF) An Indian who has the outward appearance of being an African-American. Most obvious at night when the natural camouflage of the IBF takes effect. However, the IBF does not have the same inner qualities as a real black person (just outward appearance)

Jay: O Shit! Lock the doors I see black people coming!
Zong: Don't worry about it, they are just Indian Blackie Faces.

by ClassyJosh October 25, 2009

28๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

Indian Poop Soup

After an indian person eats curry and shits out a soupy diarrhea of red, yellow or orange curry. Usually very bubbly and boiling hot

โ€œI just got a whiff of some putrid indian poop soup and it burned the hairs of my nostrals.โ€

by Brucat6969 October 23, 2020

5๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Indian Gift-Getter

Someone that accepts a gift only to return it a moment later, with little appreciation or thought in the matter.

Your friend asks for something, you give it, they hate it and immediately return it. i.e. an "Indian Gift-Getter"

by mholl7925 May 7, 2013

4๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž