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Peddle stroke

Peddle stroke is the knew word for "wanking"

Son "Dad have you Peddle stroke today?

Dad " gross son" Paused silence "🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣"

by Negan360 February 9, 2023

Vanilla Strokes

it's just a synonym of Vinegar strokes. the point of no return when a man is about to cum.

guy 1: so did you get any?
Guy 2: yeahh but her dad got home during the vanilla strokes so now I have blue balls

by walletboy December 23, 2011

Static Stroke

You switch the lights off and on while stroking it, and have a epileptic episode

Me and the wife are going to do the Static Stroke Tonight

by Crusted Semen muncher8=D~~~ February 29, 2024

Stroking Dick

When guys are asked about their conversation we call it Stroking Dick.

Hey were y’all hanging earlier ?
Nah we were just stroking Dick

by Wordmaker0 August 26, 2018

Crispy Stroke

When a girl strokes a Plain Crispy Cream doughnut on your dick. The glaze is his nut.

I went to Kev’s last night, and gave him a crispy stroke! Yum yum gone!

by Ksuave April 20, 2022

stroke goat

to masturbate

you shouldn’t stroke the goat in public
- stroke goat

by oopsorry December 14, 2019

stroke writer

a stroke writer is a person that floods the word recomendations with randoms words like adikvnsdingiosdnegins, and then most of the time proceeds to write you are bored

urban dictionary is getting destroyed by stroke writers

by larry stintz November 23, 2020