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Changing Faces

Acompletely awesome book written by Wendy Lawton. It's about a girl named Olivia who is in her senior year and completely stressed out. It gets worse when she finds out she has to have volunteer hours in order to be valedictorian. Great book, though the proper grammar can bug the crap out if anybody.

"Changing Faces" is part of "Daughters of the Faith" series.

by Devon_Lynn April 1, 2008

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hold some change

A statement that a broke or cheap person uses when he or she needs a loan

Yo, bro i just lost a bet. Can I hold some change?

by ihaveatoopee March 17, 2006

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Tsunami Lane Change

When on a two lane highway behind a vehicle that is constantly slowing down and speeding up and therefore making it difficult to over take them, when the opportunity presents itself slam on the accelerator and pass said douchebag, cut back hard into the lane right in front of them and slam on the brakes causing them to roll over you like a Tsunami

This asshole wouldn't let me pass so I got him back with a Tsunami Lane Change

by schwarz August 15, 2007

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change my shoes

code word for "taking a shit

Breakfast went right through me and now I have to go change my shoes.

by BSLMCHOUSTON February 24, 2014

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Ching Chang Chong

A herd of Asian Tourists. Normally found at famous world tourism sites

"Oi Billy! What's going on over there?!"
"Tim, it's just a Ching Chang Chong"

by Jawesome4 April 22, 2017

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Mexican Oil change

7 mexicans get naked next to each other with one inch floppies, while having excessively bloody diarrhea in one pile and re-enacting 2 girls one cup

mexican avalanche, boston pancake

Me: shit, how crazy was that party last night
you: i was stuck in the middle of a Mexican Oil Change
Me: how'd it taste
you: eat my taint sauce

by I am Juicy July 4, 2010

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Jon Jon Chang

An really really cute Asian guy with black hair and tiny eyes, who is caring and funny.

-Mirror, mirror, who is the hottest guy in the world?
- "Jon Jon Chang"

by DictionarySuperMan December 11, 2011

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