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king of pimps

noun. It's all there in the name. not just a pimp, not just a king, but THE king of all PIMPS. Used as an extremely high praise for someone (usually a male).

Second only to The Pimp God or the God of Pimps.

dude1: "...so he walks out of the bank, head to toe armani and flossin, casually sticks his elbow out to catch the chin of a passing bankrobber, leans over to pick a solid gold ring off the floor, and in the meantime pinches 3 girls asses with his free hand, who then flocked to him to admire his courage and jewlery. it was nuts!"

dude2: "holy shit, that guy must be the king of pimps!"

by Olly J April 4, 2006

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pimp sack

Term used for a badass. Even more pimp than that of a regular pimp.

"Man Keith, you are such a pimp sack"

by Scott Jimmy February 2, 2007

13๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


An adjective used to describe something cool or radical, as in something that is "pimp." Coined by the youtube sensation, Willie James Huff (aka Funky Chicken, aka Abul Rackbar).

(As in its original context) Willie James Huff: Pimp, nasty, funky, ch-pimp, and stanky chicken.

Person 1: Yo, this party is so sick, I love not going to boarding school.
Person 2: Yeah, this scene is ch-pimp.

Person 1: Yo, take this piff, its ch-pimp
Person 2: Yay, it is sooooo ch-pimp
Person 3: Ch-pimp!

butt hash portuguese gas pedal dank alabama hot pocket sick plapper perry nasty bear grylls

by mjyhnbgfjky October 11, 2010

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pimp ride

Any exceptionally long and extravagant car. Pimp rides are often adorned by accessories like chain steering wheels, fuzzy pom pom fringe, fuzzy dice, spinners, specialized suspension, superfluous neon lighting, mud flaps sporting silhouettes of nude women, or mirrored disco balls.

Did you see that Cadillac?

Yeah, it was a serious pimp ride.

by J. Tournoux August 2, 2006

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Pimp in distress

Needing help, In Trouble, Distess call, SOS.

"Pimp in disress, help, help "Pimp in distress. Have no fear underdog is here! Thanks. Okay what cha need. nuttin.

by Fat_Boyh September 24, 2006

42๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž

honors pimping

A Honors Economics class that has suddenly turned from teaching the kids about the economy, to teaching the kids how to be pimps.

Mr.Crotty's 4th block class

by Chelsey February 13, 2005

11๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Strawberry pimp

A term to describe that one is flustered or blushing. Less scientifically, if you're called a strawberry pimp, you're a bottom bitch.

You can't kiss me because you're a strawberry pimp

by BriBanana February 26, 2021

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