An Ellipsis Sine Wave is a Sine Wave that is not fully connected; Ellipsis Sine Waves are also considered "Dotted Sine Waves" or "Dashed Sine Waves" they're like dotted lines except that it goes in a similar pattern as a sine wave. Real Ellipsis Sine Waves start large and then slowly decline exponentially slowing down. If you to the end of an infinitely large sine wave, at the end it would no longer be an Ellipsis Sine Wave.
In class, I drew an ellipsis sine wave so I wouldn't mistake it for the sine waves I had to solve for my homework.
The splash back you receive when taking a dump in a freshly cleaned Porta-potty. Often experienced by construction workers.
"Man, I just got hit by the blue wave"
literally the most overrated level to ever fucking exist..
did you hear Tidal Wave got rated??? I'm gonna go suck Onilink's toes for making such a beautiful level fnlfewohfiuhwffhuwbfkewfyuheibwhfuhehkwj!!!!
omg zoink verified tidal wave
Tidal Wave is the current top 1 of Geometry dash as of the first half (at least) of 2024.
Trick almost rebeat tidal wave!
An action that would simply make a girls vagina act up, or evoke a sense of manliness or badass behavior.
Yo Tom that shit was actually the vagina wave
The first wave was novel according to some people, but by the fourth or fifth wave, the media is starting to sound like imbeciles, and so are scientists, helath care workers, government officials, and everybody else trying to warn people over and over again about viruses, restrictions, and mandates.
You wonder if most of the people in their country are as paranoid of the coronavirus as the authoritative voice of the media tells them they are. Are most people thinking about a fourth wave any more than they are thinking about what they would normally think about on a day to day basis? They know life is going to go on no matter what for the ones that make it through every wave.