Fucking pussy hole nerd cunt and has a fat nose
Your like charlie phelps you dickhead
if you are charlie hails your a really sexy guy with an amazing physique your bum is massive and sexy logan wants your ass big boy and he also loves his number 1 sweet cheeks cummy chris *winks*
me: hey big boy can you rail me with your big boy
charlie hails : no i’m to busy giving my number 1 sweet cheeks sloppy toppy
A girl with some crackhead energy. She’s super stoopid. Nevertheless the funniest person alive
Wow she’s being a real Charli Elizabeth right now
josh and charli are the cutest couple ever. they don’t know it yet but they belong together. although charli and josh may have feelings for someone else, they will end up together 🥺
josh and charli being defined:
charli: i don’t like josh, he’s ugly
jess: we all know you do, don’t lie
charli: i like someone else, not him.
william: we all know that you both like each other
charli and josh: no
An ectomorph with emotional attachment issues and a love for south east Asia. Thinks he left wing and loves good boys.
Guy: Oh can I change the music, I don't really like the Stone Roses
Charlie Uddin: We're not in your car...
Guy: Oh