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Troll Face

The Troll Face is an facial expression that expresses sarcasm and or a covert form of patronising someone after they had they had said or done something completely and utterly stupid.

It is not suppose to be attractive, It is equivalent to rolling the eyes backwards.

note: It can be also said that this is a form of non-verbal communication

Description of face:

Head Still, Lips shrilled up in a circular shape while blinking consequently every 3 second intervals

It usually lasts thirty seconds and the other person usually gets confused and doesn't know whats going on.

Jerald: Hey man

Kamyar: yo whats up how did the driving test go?

Jerald: yeh not bad, I failed again for the 6th time

Kamyar: Oh really? *Troll Face*

by Iwillattackyou June 13, 2010

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gutter troll

An ugly female who is lazy and/or annoying.

Man Betty is a real gutter troll.

by Chris Krueger November 15, 2006

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Hacker Troll

Someone that trolls you into thinking that they've hacked your account but actually haven't.

Hi, I am a hacker troll that has hacked your facebook account, NOT!

by HarambApe667 September 9, 2016

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troll foot

This is accomplished when the one partener hasn't cut their toe nails for 8 weeks and shoves his foot in the other anus.

I met this whore down the street and i gave her a nasty old troll foot.

by ryan ferguson July 17, 2006

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YouTube Troll

Definition - self centered, egotistical leeches that thirst for rage.

-Mostly child-like in nature (ex. poor grammar, spelling and narrow-minded posts), Trolls may be as they seem, or simply using this childish disguise to provoke more rage.
-Comments are blatantly obvious for the most part, usually sporting a phrase completely opposite of what you'd expect
-Usernames reflecting common annoyances in today's internet culture (ex. "troll3r", "Umadbr0", "l0lf4gz", "itr0llu")
-Not all trolls exist to start an internet riot, a lot of them wait to tear down another users post in hopes of encouraging rage. (ex. "Nice spelling Noob, you obviously are retarded")

Trolls can be good or bad.

Good Troll - "Megadeth Sucks!!" on a Megadeth music video comment section. Obviously a light hearted attempt to enrage people who can't take an obvious joke,

Bad Troll - "Megadeth is overrated, Mustaine is a coward, a poor guitar player and an egotistical pussy. They have yet to gain any fanbase or sell any decent records in decades...sellouts." This is obviously a Troll Comment whose entire purpose is to spark a rage war among every viewer of said video.

YouTube Troll - "Megadeth is overrated, Mustaine is a coward, a poor guitar player and an egotistical pussy. They have yet to gain any fanbase or sell any decent records in decades."

by Tr0llHunt3r May 15, 2012

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Troll bait

Someone whose opinionated, volatile, easily offended, insecure nature makes them super-easy targets.

Bieber/Twilight fangirls are easy troll bait because they take ANY negative remarks about their "god" as a personal attack and will violently attack expecting the trolls to stop and make themselves stand in the corner but their attacks never cease, troll feeding ensues.

by Laurel Scarlett Katrina October 4, 2010

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Sonic Trolls

Trolls that pretty much bitch and moan about sonic games. Not to mention the GREEN EYES. Put that on Sonic and your gonna see a video or picture about it. Also the huge amounts of rage from these type of trolls will be quite lulzy if you see one

Sonic Trolls

Sonic Fan:Hey did you hear?! They are are making a sonic 4!
Sonic Troll:Really? Finally
Sonic fan:Yeah! But they kept his new design in this game though. Oh well!
Sonic Fan: O.o

by Doinyamawm September 3, 2010

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