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Skin Bus

Penis, but usually used with "Riding" when you are having to bend over and take it - like an impossible and painful situation you can't get out of.

My boss has me riding the skin bus on this project.

by BonDobbs November 28, 2007

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1. to acknowledge that you agree with someone

2. to appreciate someone

Yancy: Did you see Brent with that girl the other day?
Kevin: Na. Sure didn't.
Yancy: Well...that dude on da bus!

Carl hit his first homerun, he on da bus now.

by CLAY B December 31, 2008

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Bus blindness

When you get on a bus, not expecting to see anyone you know and then becoming temporarily face-blind whilst looking for a seat, resulting in you missing them completely.

Guy 1: Ash just got on and didn't see us back here. Why is she sitting by herself?

Guy 2: I know. I swear she looked right at us, she just got total bus blindness.

by generic brown-haired male April 9, 2009

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bus fucked

when you have the worse possible luck imaginable catching your bus or busses.

Sorry I'm late! I missed my bus by mere seconds, then the next one didn't show, then the one after that was ten minutes late! I got totally bus fucked.

by Pickles McDoody October 30, 2010

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English Bus

When a person, generally female, has two penises inserted into her at the same time, in the same orifice.

This term derives from the well known English mode of transportation: the double-decker bus. Best said in a slight English accent - "The Double-dicker".

"Me and my mate, Johnny, last night, we had this loose chick and we gave her the ol' English bus."

by Stu-pid-as June 6, 2017

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twinkie bus

noun: A smaller than standard school bus generally used to transport students with mental and/or physical disabilities. "Twinkie" derives from the color of the bus (yellow) as well as the size of the vehicle (small). Also known as short bus or retard rocket.

"You better watch it, Jimmy, or you're going to be riding the twinkie bus to school before you know it.

by Spesh October 7, 2004

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blue bus

Someone wrote that this is "a bus in which retards travel". In the song "The end" by The Doors, Jim Morrison chants that "the blue bus is calling us", and later "meet me in the back of the blue bus".

Maybe this is symbolizes a state of insanity, as in "come on, lets leave our sanity behind and go crazy together"? This makes some sense in the light of the rest of the lyrics and Jim Morrison`s lyrics and poetry in general.

the blue bus is calling us,
meet me in the back of the blue bus

by Psychotic_Illusion January 10, 2008

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